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Spring Equinox 2020 | Elizabeth Jean Stone

Vernal Equinox March 19th 2020

New Beginnings

Equinox from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night)…equal day and night does not exactly happen. But this is the day that you can tell what time it is by simply looking straight up…if the sun is directly overhead it is 12 noon.

Major Aspects and Patterns for Vernal Equinox 2020:

Jupiter/Mars Conjunction 22° Capricorn

Saturn in 29° Capricorn

Black Moon Lilith/Chiron 5° Aries  ****Please Read*****

*All major planets are in the Eastern Hemisphere: The Symbolism of East with support from…Raphael, Aldebaran, Gardnerian tradition.

Concerning the conjunction of Jupiter/Mars 22°

Let us first look at the symbolism of 22° as a multifaceted Alexandrite might…

I often refer to Ellias Lonsdale’s work, Inside Degrees, when sorting out how the numerical symbolism relates to the person or situation being investigated. Capricorn 22° reads,

A bare altar covered with black velvet. Death is a force that brings into Earth something from beyond and this something is the X factor in the human equation. Your own previous deaths as major sign-posts which hold you to your noblest and most surrendered ways of being. Mortality has spoken; immortality arises from the ashes. A threshold awareness that hugs the edge between the worlds and bows before a God who presides over the living and the dead. You stride across worlds, in tune with myriad frequencies, and are quite able to make way for the unknown, the infinite, the other side of life. A fiercely-held intention to bow before what truly is and fall for nothing less, no matter how attractive or appealing.”

This conjunction is one zodiac sign away from the final zodiac sign and two degrees away from Pluto…death is so close to us in this moment of time. Some of us have had one or more family members that have passed. More than ever we are contemplating many outmoded paradigms like patriarchy, classism, racism, etc. Many of us are are directly affected by the presence of Corvirus19 changing how we are able to function in our day to day routines(Thank you Mercury and Uranus). In these ways we are allowed to see the multiple faces of death lately.

In numerology 22 is a Master Builder number, when reduced to 4 it is associated with material matters, hard work and earthly pursuits…very Saturnian. The number 22 would be associated with the Tarot card, The Fool numbered 0, a card of absolute new beginnings. It is the space in between the ascended and the reborn and holds this degree of Capricorn in the same light…there is a call for caution to not be too overconfident in our dealing during this transition. Like the Fool, we pay attention to our surroundings both physical and energetic, lest our little companion’s efforts to save us from the cliff go unnoticed.

The positive vibes of 2020’s Mars/Jupiter conjunction encompass the honing of our intuition. This is a good place (a couple days before a couple days after) to start new things, new projects, new relationships, new habits…or to consciously select the DATES to start new things, habits, etc. Because Mars is masculine in nature, new beginnings of the physical nature will be easier for those identifying as male, or those feeling manly this day- for those with feminine leanings, there is less distinction. The point that is being highlighted is to take in all information and then also, sniff out of your own intuition…asking your guides, Angelic Guardians, listening to the quiet inner voice. Meditation will help. Those that study magick know that to allow the divine in the mind must be quiet.

The Stellium in Capricorn is about to be broken (a day to rejoice) as Saturn enters Aquarius March 22nd. But on the Equinox Saturn it is not there yet while still hanging out in the 29th degree, the degree of completion, breath and review. So allow yourself to take a moment and breathe, rest and rejuvenate. Give thanks for all the hard work you’ve accomplished. Any loose ends will be addressed as Saturn stations retrograde May 11th to remind us what we went through earlier just to make sure we took advantage of all the good lessons afforded to us by this task master in Capricorn. Full release can occur next December when Saturn enters Aquarius for a longer stay. We in it for the long game.

Chiron 5° Aries transits Black Moon Lilith

As the Stellium in Cap has taken much astrological focus in astrology for the last….however long, it is well within my joy to pick out the little details(and revelation) to bring attention to this transit.  As a woman who identifies very much as female(95% of days) and ally to other women via work in women’s shelter, work in reproductive rights, work in intersectionality of feminism and the bearer of multiple sexual assault scars through childhood and as an adult this transit made my year- and that is saying something.

Black Moon Lilith references the apogee, or highest point of the moon.

In order to understand this transit we have to revisit Lilith’s Biblical story, the woman who stood in her power and would not be sexually submissive to Adam. She was the woman who went against the male idea/story of God because it was not a fair story and allowed Eve to take the fall (pun intended…literally THE Stepford Wife Story). Because she knew her worth and stood apart she was demonized, terrible stories made against her, stories of her “scary” genitalia are still intact today.

If Chiron is the wounded healer and we know that our greatest wound is our greatest teacher then this transit with Black Moon Lillith we may see some more major shifts for many of us dealing with injustices concerning the genders. For instance, the outcome of the Harvey Wheinstein case. How many women did it take to come forward and finally convict him? Also, how many women were treated disrespectfully by our own president, made public knowledge and yet nothing changed. How many more Stormy stories do we need to hear to know that we should not have a person in our presidential office that thinks this behavior is okay? The effect of this transit should not be limited to male on female transgressions, but rather, those whose voices have been quieted or ignored.

This transit in Aries asks us to be bold, use our powers as needed.

With this responsibility I am reminded of Starhawk’s wisdom - Never power over but power from within. Because we don’t have to be loud in order to yell and be heard. But we can when fucking necessary.

Again we visit Elias’s Chandra Degrees and it is Divinely on Fleek:

Aries 5°

The statue of a Goddess worn smooth by devotees' kissing. Honoring the spirit within at all costs. Insisting upon the vertical aspect in all things. You feel driven by the heart to go to any lengths to express and embody the realization of divinity. Intoxicated with the Divine, called beyond, and taken by a passion, you are dedicated and consecrated and given over. Transported into other realms. Ecstatic. A frenzy of conviction that nothing matters except the Ultimate. Swept away. Released into the Cosmos. Liberated from the wheel. And expressing the inexpressible with consummate conviction.”

So appropriate for Chiron and the wound we all nurse. What do we do with our wound for healing? We pray. Every day we pray for our lives to find order and purpose and to shine the light on our shadow like the Hermit. Wound is Shadow is Light.

It is easy to honor the Vernal Equinox 2020 as the sky does it for us as if on que. On this day all major planets are in the Eastern hemisphere of the Zodiac. The East is represented by the element Air, the Angel Raphael, the Star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus and the color yellow.

When we call the directions we begin in the East. The East is where the sun rises and is always represented by the color yellow. The East is represented by the wind or Spirit and with it a new cycle is blown in…Winds of Change. Archangel Raphael represents the Eastern Quadrant. In Enoch 40:9 (great number for Lent) it says, “who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of the Earth is Raphael”. And the beautiful star Aldebaran, known as the “(Eastern) eye of the Bull” in the constellation Taurus and is considered to be the watcher of the East.

With all planets in the Eastern Hemisphere we see the representation of the big shift over the horizon.

Although I barely touched on the topic of Corvirus 19 it is definitely on my mind. My school implemented an extra week of Spring Break, went to online classes, and we aren’t the only university to do so. I felt that there is enough information out there surrounding this topic. If you want to delve further into this, astrologically, I suggest the Astrobutterfly Coronavirus article. This article is amazing and thorough!

And also, I’ve deepened my work with guide retrieval and have been in close contact to those with the flu without so much as a sneeze or sniffle. So if you feel the need for added support please contact me for a session.

This article is dedicated as devotee to Her - Ereshkigal

*Some will be able to observe the beautiful string of planets in the am on the 20th with only a pair binoculars. Presenting their majesties: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.



Elizabeth Jean Stone

An activist at heart, Elizabeth has worked for women’s reproductive rights as well as advocating for women’s safety as the new intern at the Alliance Women’s shelter(LatinX division) in Waynesville, NC. Currently working on a B.A. in Spanish, Minor in LatinX studies with a concentration in Ceramics.

She is in the midst of developing her astrology business, Karmic Astrology that focuses on the aspects in one’s natal chart that gives wonderful ques as to where things can be edged, shored, explored, celebrated and overhauled. Please email me for a reading and discussion!

Elizabeth identifies at the moment as Pansexual and has girlfriend/not girlfriend, loves to ride waves of gray in life rather than be defined by the black or white.

Elizabeth has started to record and produce meditation music with Japji Prayer for content.

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