The 5 Pathways to an Awakened Heart
by Wendy Silvers
What is an Awakened Heart?
An Awakened Heart represents a person who is awake to their true nature, who is kind, present, conscious, open, loving and authentic. The heart is often called the first brain for it has more neurons in it than the wonderful grey matter that is housed in our head. 1
In a fetus, the heart is the first organ that develops. It holds ancient wisdom that far exceeds books and degrees. To live a life of grace and fulfillment, requires one who willing to be is heart centered and in alignment with all that is true, requires an awakened awareness.
Mothers and those mothering are the hearts of the home locally and globally. They have super powers within their being that can literally transform paradigms. Now, more than ever, the times that we are living in are calling for women to awaken and embody their ancient feminine wisdom in their mothering, businesses, and living. The 5 Pathways to an Awakened Heart provide a portal that mothers, and others, may step through and experience a life of fulfillment and grace. Enjoy the journey!
Wendy Silvers
Pathway 1: Grounding
Remaining Grounded when everything around you is spinning is a necessary practice for everyone, especially busy Mamas.
Here’s how you can Ground yourself:
Take a moment to move your body. Shake out any stiffness or stretch.
Find a place where you can be undisturbed for a period of time, whether it is for 5 minutes, 20 minutes, or an hour.
Turn off your phone, computer, tablet, any electronic equipment.
Close your eyes.
Go within. Take a deep breath and bring your awareness to your heart. Breathe as though you are breathing through your heart.
Intentionally express Gratitude for your heartbeat, for the breath that breathes your lungs, for the present moment. Gratitude is a powerful frequency. When you activate this vibration, you receive more to be grateful for.
When any thoughts or external noises rise up, simply notice them and let them drift through your awareness like they are fluffy clouds.
Bring your awareness back to your breath when your mind wanders. Be in awe of how the exhalation follows the inhalation without any instruction from you.
When you inhale, silently or aloud, say, I AM. This is your true essence.
Hold the breath at the top for an extra second
When you exhale, say, Peace.
Allow your breath to return to normal and sink into the stillness for your designated sitting time.
When complete, take a deep breath, bring your awareness back to the space that you are in and consciously take in the colors and details of that space. You may want to journal.
My invitation to you is to develop a consistent practice of grounding yourself, whatever that may be for you.
Don’t feel ready to meditate as I outlined above yet? That’s totally cool.
Here are other suggestions:
❥ Physically getting on the earth, walking barefoot on the ground or laying down and feeling the earth beneath your body restores energy and discharges and neutralized the impacts of the EMF from computers and wifi, etc.
❥ Dance. Shake yo bootay, shake the sillies out of your mind. Kids love this, too.
❥ Be in nature – whether it be the ocean, a lake, a forest, the mountains. Take a hike. Go to Japanese gardens.
❥ When you pause at a stoplights, intentionally breathe slowly, again bringing your awareness to your heart space and imagine breathing through your heart.
❥ Walk around your neighborhood, noticing as many details as possible.
❥ Contemplation – read something that you find inspirational; read a paragraph, then put the book or tablet down. Engage curiosity -- ask yourself: what does this paragraph mean to me? How does it apply to me? What part of me does it speak to? My heart, my mind, my soul?
Please let me know what you found helpful to apply in your busy life...
Read Pathway 2 in next issue.
Wendy Silvers
Nicknamed Mama Wendy by her clients, Wendy Silvers is a sought after soul alchemist, speaker, teacher, mothers empowerment coach, author, awakened activist and strategist. With her Awakened Mother Academy, she inspires moms to raise their children with heart and consciousness and engage their unstoppable power as influencers, leaders, and change agents. Wendy braids her intuitive gifts, strategist skills, nonviolent parenting training and mama wisdom to help mothers birth and earth a life of grace, vision and prosperity.
Wendy was an outreach coordinator for the inaugural Women’s March LA. On behalf of her organization, Million Mamas Movement, she has organized and hosted 2 Health Freedom Rallies, Town Halls, is a partner with the Charter For Compassion Women and Girls. Wendy blogs for magazines and online publications, and is a contributing author to the International Amazon Best seller, Balance for Busy Moms. Her next book will be published in the spring. Wendy has shared stages with Michael Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Panache Desai, Sister Jenna, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, and other luminaries. Wendy received the ARWEY award for her entrepreneurial work. She provides individual and group coaching, speaks, leads transformational retreats, workshops and consults/produces special events. Wendy is based in Los Angeles, where she lives with her husband and daughter.
"Wendy is the Jay-Z of prayer"
~ Gabrielle Bernstein
"Working with Wendy is a true joy! She is authentic, loving and provides true guidance, which I needed to integrate into my parenting and every area of my life"
~ Renee Stahl Dektor, singer, mama
"Wendy’s commitment to bringing peace to our world through mothering is divinely inspired. Her ability to lead women through personal transformation will help heal the world." ~ Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder, Agape International Spiritual Center, Author, Teacher
"I am so thrilled that there are so many dedicated women who are spearheading the Conscious Parenting Revolution with me. Wendy Silvers is one of them. Wendy is warm, insightful and committed to this work. I am sure you will learn so much from her." ~ Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Bestselling Author, Speaker
Copyright © WendySilvers
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