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Mia Glass

Finding the Harmony in the Dichotomy of Life
About Harmonious Dichotomos

We can all use a daily dose of new perspective. I’m just not of the mind that it’s all peace, love & letting go. Sometimes, and maybe even often times, it’s about persistent practice using pieces of the whole, work that cultivates true heart, and even holding on for dear life. I’ve accomplished most of me in the living that allowed the learning of many valuable lessons; in great part to my critical mind and in making many messy mistakes.


We are constantly in a state of free will - choices, decisions, actions, and language all causing outcomes and resulting in reactions, rewards, consequences, awareness, new consciousness, and ultimately, our experience as we encounter the moment-by-moment everyone refers to as ‘life’. 

While I am blessed by the Peace I choose, the Love I accept, and the Letting Go when intuitively knowing it is time to do just that, we live on a polarity planet and are all inherently people of polarity ourselves. As much as we seek flow, we are in a constant state of flux as well. And just because I have no problem confronting or dancing the dichotomy found in the shadows of life, I’m still on my mission to personify the light. It’s very much about finding the still point, the totality of zero, and the HUM, as I like to call it, which in and of itself is the collective everything, everywhere... 


Here is to finding the Harmony in the Dichotomy of Life, and in us all. 


- HD Founder, Mia Glass

About Harmonious Dichotomous
About Harmonious Dichotomous
Love in all six directions
- Mia Glass





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